Express views..............Its consequences......

Being an Indian citizen I dont like anybody to have a bite in my right to express my own views and ideas.The same can be applied to all Indian citizens.But it does not mean that someone has the right to use this right to harm others and to defame others without any mentioned proofs.But those who use this right must be ready to face its consequences.But now a days many are missusing this right.They should try their most to maintain India's greatest culture which is the greatest of all.They moreover,should know to express it well so that no one will misunderstand it.It is very important .They should have a mind on where they are and why they are there.They should be courageous enough to face the above mentioned consequences.
If u are a person,who likes to express ur views,courageous and bold enough,then go forward.All the best.


Akshay S Dinesh said...
February 18, 2009 at 10:24 PM

Understood where the arrow points to..

I think there must be one more sentence : "Never think that others will think the way you think. So, express things that can be thought only in one way."